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Join Debra at Lifetime for these dynamic classes!

Upper Body RX


10:30am -  11:15am

Upper RX - Total training from the hips up. The format combines basic strength exercises, functional movement patterns, power and core work. It completes the workout with a metabolic conditioning. This 50 minute class gets the job done.

F . I . T .


9:30am - 10:30am

Functional Integrated Training - A complete workout using a bench, weights, sandbags, bands and/or kettlebells. F.I.T. includes a lot of full body moves linked together to improve function, posture, balance and strength to complete a fitness regimen.

Gluteus MaxOUT


9:30am - 10:15am

Gluteus MaxOUT - Focuses on the hips down. The format is designed to fatigue the legs and glutes with weights of different sizes and bands. Weak glutes lead to a weak core. Keep your glutes strong with this calorie scorching workout.

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